General Information about the Device in it self.
Clean technology Resonance Inducers mechanical operation allow
great durability under extreme environmental conditions not generating any
waste that could be harmful to the environment.
Easy to apply Resonance Inducers designs allow installing in
almost any process. Installation is fast and safe. Different models are
available to meet all the most common industrial and commercial applications.
No external energy required
to operate Resonance Inducers also are autonomous units
that do not require any external power to operate. No special operations
adjustments necessary to meet the expected performance.
Heavy duty The Resonance Inducers are
constructed in antimagnetic stainless steel and covered with special paint
which resists the majority of industrial environments that exist today. They
are resistant to the installation and maintenance mechanical procedures,
commons in the industry today.
No flow limitations Resonance Inducers works at the volume of fluid
level which is contained in the pipes and is not based on the speed passage of
fluid through the pipes. Strategically placed on the piping network it¡¯s
possible to treat a wide amount of liters per minute with great effectiveness.
Applicable on industrial
fluids Most of the anti scaling
treatments existing today can be used in relatively clean water based fluids,
such as exchange softeners or chemicals. Treatment with Resonance Inducers
corresponds to a physical treatment of fluid which generates structural changes
in the shape of crystals that produce scaling. The chemical composition of
water or the level of dissolved solids have not major incidence on results.
Tel 031) 8047-4910, CP 010-4015-6331